#1634: datasets, forests, newyork, venezuela, elevation
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Open Geospatial Datasets for GIS Education is a repository of open geospatial datasets that have been selected, cleaned, harmonized, and repackaged for GIS exercises in a higher education context
https://github.com/andrea-ballatore/open-geo-data-education -
The degradation of the forests of the Brazilian Amazon is currently the process that most harms the CO2 cycle, according to a recent study using data from ESA satellites
https://www.esa.int/Applications/Observing_the_Earth/Space_for_our_climate/Forest_degradation_primary_driver_of_carbon_loss_in_the_Brazilian_Amazon -
The age of the buildings of the city of New York according to the year of construction grouped by decades, of all the constructions or only of the most emblematic
https://public.tableau.com/app/profile/george.koursaros/viz/NYCBuildings_16222929546320/NYCBuildings -
"Nature on fire. 20 years of fires in Protected Areas of Venezuela" is a very complete and documented scrollymap on forest fires in Venezuela, which in 2020 was the country in the Amazon region with the highest density of fires
https://prodavinci.com/naturalezaenllamas/ -
"Terrain elevation viewer" is a small visual exercise that shows the terrain elevation profile for the same isoline anywhere in the world and at any zoom level