#1636: biodiversity, brexit, ww2, prints, designer
, last check: Mon, 10 Feb 2025. Post history
Taxo&Map is an application originally designed to facilitate the examination of data on the collections of the Consortium of the Museum of Natural Sciences of Barcelona good and allowing complementary search options to other consultation channels, open source
https://taxomap.bioexplora.cat/ -
"We need to talk about the border" is a multimedia project about the consequences of Brexit and the possible resurgence of a hard border between Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland
http://weneedtotalkabouttheborder.eu/ -
Project’44 is an online interactive map of the Western Front of World War II that allows you to see the development of the military campaign in an animated way.
https://map.project44.ca/ -
East of Nowhere is a digital art brand founded with the idea of providing quality prints of graphic art inspired by cartography, both with satellite images and with ancient maps combined with relief
https://eastofnowhere.co/ -
Fedir Gontsa (@gontsa) is a Ukrainian cartographic designer, urban planner and landscape architect who uses open source tools to solve complex geospatial analysis and planning problems.