#1657: trains, ships, emergency, itinerarium
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
The German Greens have proposed a map for possible night train routes for Europe. There is a lot to discover. via @TerryReintke
https://twitter.com/TerryReintke/status/1438397643986702339 -
Black Sea Ship Density. Global Ship Density dataset is based on all observed ship movement from 2015-2020. via @gontsa
https://twitter.com/gontsa/status/1438927692603211778 -
Sertit emergency cartographers, a fast mapping service for critical situations that works whith photointerpretation in France, intervene in all kinds of situations around the world
https://www.sciencesetavenir.fr/espace/systeme-solaire/des-incendies-du-var-au-seisme-a-haiti-les-cartographes-de-l-urgence_156748 -
The Itinerarium is an Instagram account that makes maps in 3D and with a very characteristic look. Author is able to make prints and orders