#1658: relief, walkability, poverty, postgis
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
The Challenger Relief Map, is a 23x24-meter 3D map of British Columbia made by George Challenger and family between 1945 and 1952. It will be on display again in 2021 at the Pacific National Exhibition awaiting a final location
https://vancouversun.com/news/local-news/iconic-challenger-relief-map-returns-to-the-pne/wcm/e75a5fba-8d47-4518-8c89-c3e58fd5e1f4/ -
Urban walkability analysis with OSM data and Python libraries such as OSMnx, Pandana and GeoPandas visualized with Matplotlib and Seaborn
https://www.gispo.fi/en/blog/analysing-urban-walkability-using-openstreetmap-and-python/ -
How is it like to live with less than 5 dinars a day is an article with maps and data that explains poverty in Tunisia by @inkyfada
https://geoinquiets.github.io/rafagas/ -
"Introduction to PostGIS" by @pwramsey himself is a presentation of the Postgis introduction workshop that in 34 sections shows from data upload to backup