#1661: radical, virtualreality, analytics
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
"Cartographie radicale. Explorations" by Nepthys Zwer and Philippe Rekacewicz is a book that embarks on a journey of exploration into the heart of the cartographic creation of experimental, radical or conventional maps and their intentions
https://www.editionsladecouverte.fr/cartographie_radicale-9782373680539 -
Construction of railway infrastructures with drones to make explorable 3D models with virtual reality systems. They stand out for the great integrative and analytical power they make available to the daily project design work
https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/mapeamento-a%25C3%25A9reo-com-drones-aplicado-realidade-virtual-bruno-tavares/?trackingId=%2BefkdJJ6zdVZwDLoMFy9pA%3D%3D -
The Uber Eats "Orders near you" app functionality illustrates an example of how Uber generates bulk statistics instantly through the analysis of geospatial data via @xurxosanz