#1663: animals, festival, streets
, last check: Tue, 17 Dec 2024. Post history
Pareidolia is a psychological tendency to see figures in other random patterns, for example, animals in world cities' metro networks
https://animalsontheunderground.com/paris-metro/ -
Saint-Dié-des-Vosges Geography International Festival will be held between 1st and 3rd of October; it's free and full of all kinds of activities (PDF) [FR]
https://fig.saint-die-des-vosges.fr/images/00_Homepage/actu_2021/FIG_2021_Programme_WEB.pdf | archive.org -
This report by @underdarkGIS is a first analysis of the "Kappazunder" database, with LIDAR and pictures of Viena taken at street level