#1710: urban, migration, borders
, last check: Wed, 12 Feb 2025. Post history
All urban maps of Spain's territory available as open data have been included in the Urban Map of Spain (MUE) with urbiGIS (the collaborative platform designed to work with spatial data sets)
https://urbigis.com/mue.maps -
"Le parcours de la combattante. Trajectoire migratoire d’une femme hondurienne" is the story of the emigration of Alma, a 24-year-old Honduran woman forced to leave San Pedro Sula
https://ulaval.maps.arcgis.com/apps/Cascade/index.html?appid=5fc33394b6fd4673aaaa2c7452072715 -
The Polytechnic of Turin and the Ithaca Srl association were awarded the Frontex tender for the production of maps and infographics for the control of the European external borders for 2 years, but they cannot talk about it or know how it will be used