#1759: awesome, mali, buildings
, last check: Wed, 12 Feb 2025. Post history
An extensive list of geospatial resources, including data, libraries, conferences, programming languages, GIS, rasters, WMS, podcasts, and much more (repost)
https://github.com/sacridini/Awesome-Geospatial -
This analysis of aerial images, airport activity, and flight tracking suggests that the Russian mercenaries Wagner group is deploying in Mali [FR]
https://observers.france24.com/fr/afrique/20220104-mali-russie-d%C3%A9ploiement-wagner-avions-a%C3%A9roport | archive.org -
This website sells 3D buildings datasets worldwide, including height (measured or IA estimated), model, typology, and other attributes, available as GeoJSON or vector tiles