#1760: rgb, lidar, congo
, last check: Tue, 04 Mar 2025. Post history
A solution that reduces the weight of the RGB tiles used for dynamic shading on online maps by 60% with Mapbox GL JS and soon with MapLibre GL via @sfggeogis
https://makina-corpus.com/sig-webmapping/optimisation-tuiles-mnt-rgb-ombrage-dynamique-mapbox-gl-maplibre-gl -
The Lidar HD program, which will provide full coverage of France in a short time with free access and authorized commercial use, explained with examples and tools for data exploitation
https://3dvf.com/lidar-hd-porte-ses-fruits-decouvrez-la-france-en-3d-grace-a-lign/ -
There are more than 122 armed groups in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that have been balancing the territory for geopolitical purposes since 1996, and especially since 2014