#1763: stac, terrain, spain
, last check: Mon, 10 Feb 2025. Post history
A new plugin developed by Kartoza and sponsored by Microsoft adds navigation of the catalogs of the API STAC (SpatioTemporal Asset Catalog) within QGIS and allows you to search, upload and download items and retrieve information about services
https://kartoza.com/en/blog/new-qgis-stac-api-plugin | archive.org -
A plugin for Qgis to automatically add the terrain model to any project based on downloading the DEMs from the web OpenTopgraphy.org
https://github.com/knwin/OpenTopography-DEM-Downloader-qgis-plugin/blob/main/README.md -
"Spain lives in flats: why have we built our cities vertically" is a 3D scrolling map made with cadastre data that explains the spatial distribution of cities in Spain via @xurxosanz