#1772: maps, cloud-native vector, flatgeobuf
, last check: Fri, 31 Jan 2025. Post history
Maps retain their power to inform even in the digital age and sharing experiences with the community will help improve them beyond simple navigation.
https://tidbits.com/2022/02/21/here-be-digital-dragons-musings-on-modern-mapping/ -
An Exploration of 'Cloud-Native Vector' concludes that the vector is much more difficult to 'optimize in the cloud' but there is an interesting breakthrough towards this goal and some interesting avenues to explore
https://cholmes.medium.com/an-overview-of-cloud-native-vector-c223845638e0 -
Research and experiments with Flatgeobuf, a new file format for storing geospatial vector data, for a quick overview of the format and its interest and usefulness