#1773: vector tiles, cadastre, fashion
, last check: Fri, 14 Feb 2025. Post history
A demo and code guide on how to start your own open source tile server comparing react-map-gl, http://deck.gl, maplibre-gl, tileserver-gl, docker or a mbtiles with Maptiler
https://medium.com/@stephen.w.protzman/map-quest-4f67386bfee9 | archive.org -
Cadastral Classifier (CC) is a supplement for Qgis for the classification of plots in any Spanish municipality (excluding Navarre and the Basque Country) using the information of the General Directorate of Cadastre
https://transurban-uah.github.io/Cadastral_Classifier/ -
"Discovering Underground Maps from Fashion" proposes a method for creating city neighborhood maps based on image analysis of how people dress