#1788: game, watch, procedural
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
Countryle is a game to guess a country daily in the smallest possible attempts with clues for hemisphere, continent, temperature, inhabitants and direction with respect to the last candidate via @freyfogle
https://countryle.com/ -
The Breguet Marine Hora Mundi 5557 is an automatic submersible mechanical watch with dual time zone with automatic change that shows the date, the day / night cycle and the city
https://www.breguet.com/breguet/landings/hora-mundi-5557/index.html#en | archive.org -
A city map generator that allows you to create American-style procedural cities directly in the browser with multiple parameters, which can then be downloaded as a traditional map but also as a height map or 3D model