#1791: etl, ai, game
, last check: Wed, 15 Jan 2025. Post history
An example of Haskell Extract Transform Load (ETL): enriching a set of geoJSON geometries of countries with population data in XML to produce a visualization in the form of a coropletic map
https://jarnaldich.me/blog/2022/03/27/etl-the-haskell-way.html -
PEARL, the AI-accelerated platform for rapid ground cover mapping, allows researchers to train and improve a land classification AI model without writing a single line of code and is now open source.
https://developmentseed.org/blog/2022-03-15-open-sourcing-pearl/ -
A geographical game to show your knowledge of the territory in any area you know well in which you have to answer 5 questions with the utmost precision