#1797: europe, osm, heritage
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
30m composites of Sentinel-2 L2A imagery for every season between 2018 and 202 in ETRS89-extended and LAEA Europe (EPSG:3035) are available for download as COGs
https://opengeohub.org/datasets/seamless-30-meter-sentinel-2-l2a-pan-european-seasonal-cloudless-mosaics-2018-2020/ -
Sophox is a collection of services to combine OSM and Wikidata federated databases using SPARQL that can also be used directly from JSOM. Check the examples! via @olea
https://sophox.org -
"Ottoman Heritage in Greece" is a web maps collection that connects a bibliography of Ottoman sites and monuments with an interactive map enabling access to more than 600 monuments and 1600 bibliographic records