#1800: streets, climate, persepolis
, last check: Tue, 11 Feb 2025. Post history
Street names in Vienna: 4269 of the streets named after people, only 356 streets are named after women, forcing gender-based urban planning
https://genderatlas.at/articles/strassennamen.html -
An interactive 3D visualization shows the populations most affected by climate change which in the end will make normal life impossible on an almost uninhabitable planet by 2100
https://interaktiv.morgenpost.de/klimawandel-hitze-meeresspiegel-wassermangel-stuerme-unbewohnbar/ -
"Persepolis Reimagined" is a collaboration between historians, creatives and technologists to show a documented 3D reconstruction of Persepolis in the context of the exhibition "Persia: Ancient Iran and the Classical World"