#1805: blackstone, blender, bathymetry
, last check: Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Post history
The Blackstone investment fund owns 6,633 properties and land, including 5,550 homes, in 306 municipalities in Catalonia
https://directa.cat/el-fons-dinversio-blackstone-posseeix-5-550-habitatges-a-306-municipis-de-catalunya/ -
Maps Models Importer is a proof of concept that only contains a Blender plug-in for importing 3D models from Google Maps and intended for educational use only via @sfggeogis
https://github.com/eliemichel/MapsModelsImporter -
GLOBathy, the global lake bathymetry dataset, uses GIS to generate bathymetric maps based on estimates of maximum water mass depth and geometric / geophysical attributes of bodies of water taken from HydroLAKES