#1813: wrecks, transportation, maps
, last check: Fri, 14 Feb 2025. Post history
The National Monuments Service's online catalog of wrecks in Ireland shows 22% of the known location of the more than 18,000 shipwrecks that make up the underwater cultural heritage
https://dahg.maps.arcgis.com/apps/webappviewer/index.html?id=89e50518e5f4437abfa6284ff39fd640 -
A combination of a passion for transportation networks, data visualization and electronics in the form of LED subway maps that are illuminated with real-time data via WiFi
https://www.traintrackr.co.uk/ -
An open repository of 282942 maps in GIF, PDF, CDR, SVG and WMF format which, although protected by copyright, are modifiable and free for any use, even commercial, under certain conditions.