#1817: cadastre, buildings, aerialod
, last check: Wed, 26 Feb 2025. Post history
French cadastre is not an exact geospatial reference but a fiscal document supported by an indicative schema. French IGN has a map showing the displacement between the cadastre and orthoimagery
https://www.geoportail.gouv.fr/carte?c=4.19138898029126%2C46.67935581026026&z=6&l0=ORTHOIMAGERY.ORTHOPHOTOS%3A%3AGEOPORTAIL%3AOGC%3AWMTS%281%29&l1=CADASTRALPARCELS.HEATMAP%3A%3AGEOPORTAIL%3AOGC%3AWMTS%280.9%29&permalink=yes -
This paper publishes a dataset with 268958 buildings across 3300 off-nadir aerial images to help evaluate algorithms for locating building footprints accurately
https://arxiv.org/abs/2204.13637 -
"3D mapping with Aerialod (for Windows)" is a free Udemy course by Alasdair Rae @undertheraedar to create 3D maps of cities, landscapes, and population density