#1822: policies, google, satellites
, last check: Tue, 14 Jan 2025. Post history
The 2021 Digital Maturity Index for Catalonia city halls and regional councils analyzes 30 digital and open govern objective policy indicators to identify leaders, best practices, and potential improvements
https://app.powerbi.com/view?r=eyJrIjoiOWNiZTg0MGYtMzU0ZC00ZjE1LWI1NWYtMDM2NTY5ZDdjNTVlIiwidCI6IjM3YThhMGI5LTE4NzQtNGU1ZC1iMWY1LTExMDQwYzFjMDdmYyIsImMiOjl9 -
The role of Google Maps in the Russian invasion of Ukraine combines balances, sanctions, censorship, the community role, information concentration in a single company, and the almost-monopoly of geography
https://geoawesome.com/the-role-of-google-maps-in-the-russian-invasion-over-ukraine/ -
Interactive 3D visualization of different satellite constellations with filtering and vehicle identification, created by @starlink_map