#1826: landsat, cocaine, design
, last check: Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Post history
The Landsat 9 data user manual, which contains information about the mission and the spacecraft, the onboard sensors, the calibration/validation and how to access the data and scientific products, can now be downloaded
https://www.usgs.gov/landsat-missions/news/landsat-9-user-handbook-now-available -
Article that is part of a series of investigations carried out by InSight Crime for three years analyzes one of the most important centers of cocaine trafficking in the world, and the authoritarian regime that makes drugs flow
https://insightcrime.org/investigations/maduro-seeks-to-regulate-the-cocaine-trade/ -
The winners of the 2021 edition are now in the galleries of finalists in the Cartography and Geographic Information Society's map design competition