#1847: planning, borders, images
, last check: Thu, 19 Dec 2024. Post history
A website that brings together new experiences, historic sites, and outdoor getaways to help plan your trip to the U.S. with more than 4,200 facilities and 113,000 individual locations nationwide
https://www.recreation.gov/ -
'Frontières et conflits en Afrique du Nord et de l'Ouest' proposes quantitative and qualitative territorialized analyzes that decipher how borders contribute to shaping patterns of political violence
https://www.oecd.org/fr/publications/frontieres-et-conflits-en-afrique-du-nord-et-de-l-ouest_325c4747-fr/full-report.html -
A simple web application for creating images from OSM maps, with every conceivable option defined as URL parameters