#1856: cartifact, deaths, paris
, last check: Thu, 16 Jan 2025. Post history
The Digital Map Library's collection of artifacts: cartographic objects that are not strictly maps but other types of formats that use a cartographic base
https://cartotecadigital.icgc.cat/digital/collection/cartefactes -
The geography of "Deaths by Despair" in England and Wales: age-standardized rates of alcohol deaths, drug abuse and suicide (in the same color range) according to data from last year
https://github.com/VictimOfMaths/DeathsOfDespair -
The "Commission du Vieux Paris" documented more than 2,000 buildings between 1916 and the early 1930s on a photographic background of more than 6,200 glass plates that the DHAAP and Paris Time Machine have now put online