#1868: roman, game, newspaper
, last check: Fri, 14 Feb 2025. Post history
ARCHEO3D’ITALIA is a videoPlatform dedicated to Italian archaeological sites with productions that combine the filming of the sites with virtual reconstruction to get a better idea of what these Roman villages were like
https://metambient.eu/archeo3ditalia/?lang=en -
Joc dels Municipis is a completely free online game where you have to guess which municipality has the most inhabitants, designed to encourage the learning of towns and cities in Catalonia and made by @aleixmurtra
https://jocdelsmunicipis.cat/ -
'Exploring Chronicling America Newspapers' shows on a dynamic map and in a timeline the publication sites of more than 3,000 newspaper headlines between 1777 and 1963 digitized and currently available in the LoC's online collection