#1869: rivers, irrigation, heatwaves
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Wallpaper, for both computers and mobiles, with 60 4k images of river landscapes on @geo_coe 's Flickr account
https://www.flickr.com/photos/165735975@N07/albums/ -
"IRRITER - Information system for precision irrigation in the Baix Ter" is both an interactive viewer and a set of geoservices to consult irrigation and evapotranspiration of more than 25 thousand plots
https://irriter.cat/#/en/map/42.0137,3.0615,11/variable/accum-ET/dataset/1/year/2022/date/2022-05-20 -
The July 2022 heatwaves, with temperatures above 40ºC everywhere, is not a local phenomenon limited to a given area but affects virtually everyone.