#1870: volcano, squirrels, fires
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
Fagradalsfjall 2021 eruption was tracked in real-time with photogrammetric techniques, providing temporal datasets about lava volume, width, and effusive speed, which help evaluate and understand their associated risks
https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2021GL097125 -
Grey squirrel is a non-native invasive species in the UK, introduced in the late 19th century from North America, and it has displaced the native red squirrel, significantly impacting the whole ecosystem
https://www.penrithredsquirrels.org.uk/the-facts/ -
Maps for all 2022 (until July) 30 big forest fires in en Spain, that's any wildfire with more than 500Ha, and 250 in the Canary Islands [ES]
https://almazcara.forestry.es/p/gif2022.html | archive.org