#1874: droughts, memory, visual
, last check: Fri, 22 Nov 2024. Post history
The European Drought Observatory publishes a vast quantity of downloadable information about droughts, and for the first days of July, it states that 45% of European territory is in warning conditions and 13% under alert
https://drought.emergency.copernicus.eu/edov2/php/index.php?id=1000 -
A 2020 study indicates that using a GPS for navigation negatively affects spatial memory, and the more the GPS is used, the biggest the impact over time
https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-020-62877-0?error=cookies_not_supported&code=326c7bf1-6908-434b-9eef-2f910f259769 -
Visual Positioning Systems are associated naturally with Augmented Reality as one of the bridges between inherited spatial topics like maps, data, location, and world-building