#1882: seabed, summer, reservoirs
, last check: Wed, 12 Feb 2025. Post history
The Nippon Foundation-GEBCO Seabed 2030 project, is an international effort to map the entire world's seabed, has added 10.1 million square kilometers of new bathymetric data, reaching 23.4% coverage
https://seabed2030.org/2022/06/29/seabed-2030-announces-increase-ocean-data-equating-size-europe-and-major-new-partnership-un/ -
The "great summer" human migrations that make the big cities empty and the tourist areas, especially the coastal ones, fill to overflowing
https://maldita.es/malditodato/20220805/ciudades-desiertas-abarrotadas-julio-agosto-turistas/ -
The article "High-resolution surface water dynamics in Earth's small and medium-sized reservoirs" shows the importance of this reservoirs in coping with climate variability, with CC-BY data and an interactive portal