#1961: mining, weather, map services
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Interactive map of artisanal mining in eastern Democratic Republic of the Congo created from various data sets collected in the field by the International Peace Information Service (IPIS)
https://ipisresearch.be/mapping/webmapping/drcongo/v6/#-3/28/5/4/1/ -
WindBorne Systems' weather data collection balloons fly hundreds of times faster than traditional weather balloons and visualize those flights with CesiumJS
https://cesium.com/blog/2022/11/03/measuring-weather-with-windborne-systems-and-cesiumjs/ -
OpenSwitchMaps helps switch between map services such as Google maps, OpenStreetMap, Bing map, so you can jump to another map service while maintaining your location and zoom level