#1999: park, mapping, tiles
, last check: Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Post history
The cultural heritage inventory of the "Montgrí, les Illes Medes i el Baix Ter" Natural Park helps learn, protect, safeguard, and manage its natural and cultural assets via @MdlMediterrania
https://www.instamaps.cat/instavisor/9a58cc28d3507b5168f7cb71109fc900/INVENTARI_DEL_PATRIMONI_CULTURAL_DEL_PARC_NATURAL_DEL_MONTGRI,_LES_ILLES_MEDES_I_EL_BAIX_TER.html#13/42.0639/3.1566 -
Cristina Alexa (@maptheclouds) is a freelance data visualization developer with cartography and web development skills from Cluj-Napoca, Romany, and her portfolio website is filled with demos and cool experiments via @sfggeogis
https://maptheclouds.com/playground/ -
A guided walkthrough on creating a worldwide train network map backed with vector tiles made with Tippecanoe and using pmtiles, a cloud-native file format that doesn't need a server