#2002: collection, memories, co2
, last check: Wed, 29 Jan 2025. Post history
The rare map collections at Phillips Academy by Digital Commonwealth from the donation of the collections of Sydney R. Knafel, Robert E. Diefenbach, Ralph Finos and the Pechter family and completed by some acquisitions
https://www.digitalcommonwealth.org/collections/commonwealth:2f75v525k -
"Je vais te raconter" collects on a map the places in memory of Jean Lucien Clairet where he spent his summer holidays in Roux in the late 1950s, taken from the voice recordings made for him by his daughter Sophie
https://geosophie.eu/2023/01/15/je-vais-te-raconter/ -
CO2 emitted by airplanes only causes about half of aviation's climate impact while the other half comes from contrails - artificial clouds created by exhaust gases from turbines #contrails