#2003: maps, framework, book
, last check: Mon, 24 Feb 2025. Post history
Maps of Spain created from the National Topographic Map and the Digital Terrain Model 1:25000 of the IGN (ES) in MVT format in MBtiles with shading, symbols, sprites and fonts, for the entire territory with a weight of 1.7 GB to be used offline
https://blog-idee.blogspot.com/2023/02/nuevo-producto-para-las-aplicaciones.html?m=1 -
Giro3D is a versatile in-browser geospatial data visualization environment that supports a wide range of data sources, from 2D raster and vector data to 3D point clouds and tilesets, based on three.js
https://giro3d.org/index.html -
"Historia de la Cartografía. La evolución de los mapas. The medieval world, from Byzantium to Renaissance" by Juan Romero-Girón Deleito is a 464-page book published in 2022 that can be downloaded for free in PDF from the IGN website