#2027: nominatimlite, chatgeopt, mammalweb
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
NominatimLite is the compressed version of SQLite with SQLAlcehmy, a Python tool that is both an abstraction layer for SQL variants and an ORM and toolbox
https://nominatim.org/2023/02/06/nominatim-lite.html -
ChatGeoPT translates natural language text to OpenStreetMap Overpass API calls, reads the API response data and translates it into natural language and useful information
https://medium.com/earthrisemedia/chatgeopt-exploring-the-future-of-talking-to-our-maps-b1f82903bb05 -
MammalWeb is a citizen science platform aimed at collecting, validating and organizing camera trap data that can inform us about the distribution and ecology of mammals