#2041: qgis, segmentation, cloud, geostrategy
, last check: Wed, 05 Feb 2025. Post history
This QGIS connector offers a Graphical User Interface for downloading data from the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) from the United Nations
https://github.com/bvissers/FAO-Downloader -
Segment Anything Model (SAM) is a fast system to classify any object from any image without previous training automatically, and it works reasonably well on aerial imagery
https://segment-anything.com -
A complete write-up on all steps to design a system for detecting late UK buses with a workflow that leverages Google Cloud Services, orchestrated with Prefect and presented with a Streamlit web application
https://medium.com/@ryanelamb/a-data-engineering-project-with-prefect-docker-terraform-google-cloudrun-bigquery-and-streamlit-3fc6e08b9398 -
The Arctic has become crucial for world powers like NATO and Russia to demonstrate their military strength