#2049: water, garden, game
, last check: Mon, 10 Feb 2025. Post history
California's groundwater gold rush brings big profits to banks, retirement funds and insurance companies but leaves people without drinking water
https://www.bloomberg.com/tosv2.html?vid=&uuid=be777aed-4e48-11ef-b1f5-1812d584af29&url=L2dyYXBoaWNzLzIwMjMtd2FsbC1zdHJlZXQtc3BlZWRzLWNhbGlmb3JuaWEtZ3JvdW5kd2F0ZXItZGVwbGV0aW9uLz9sZWFkU291cmNlPXV2ZXJpZnkrd2FsbA== -
The Brooklyn Botanic Garden, NY, has an online map to know how the flowering of the trees on the cherry blossom terrace is progressing and so you can plan your visit to take the best pictures
https://www.bbg.org/collections/cherries -
"Where in the USA is this?" is a daily game from the digital magazine The Pudding that consists of geolocating five photographs from somewhere in the USA with maximum precision and without further clues