#2067: geology, switzerland, github
, last check: Fri, 17 Jan 2025. Post history
The British Geological Survey (BGS) opens up free online access to over 45,000 maps and sections from several collection. The site has the option to purchase high-resolution raster PDF maps
https://webapps.bgs.ac.uk/data/MapsPortal/home.html -
"Population, immigration, vieillissement" shows in 15 graphs the evolution of Switzerland, which is about to reach 9 million inhabitants with immigration as a major demographic factor
https://archive.letemps.ch/archive/www.letemps.ch/grand-format/population-immigration-vieillissement-decouvrez-levolution-suisse-15-graphiques.html -
A map that's different from the usual but also helps you navigate the space: the map of more than 400,000 projects on GitHub where each dot is a project, sized according to the number of stars in the project via @OFonts