#2094: eratosthenes, pandemic, ukraine
, last check: Mon, 10 Feb 2025. Post history
Young students from Spain, Argentina and New Caledonia have teamed up to repeat the experiment of the Greek astronomer Eratosthenes of Cyrene and have obtained a measurement that deviates only about 10 km from the true value
https://www.agenciasinc.es/Noticias/Escolares-de-tres-continentes-aciertan-al-medir-el-radio-de-la-Tierra | archive.org -
The global destruction of areas rich in bats, carriers of viruses, is sowing the risk of a new pandemic in the so-called "jump zones" where humanity could be infected
https://www.reuters.com/investigates/special-report/global-pandemic-bats-jumpzones/ -
The Ukrainian city of Kharkiv began to change in 2014 with Russia's first geopolitical games, but a walk through its landmarks shows the total change wrought by the war