#2115: beer, oldmaps, geology
, last check: Tue, 11 Mar 2025. Post history
Density map of craft beer producers in continental France with 2023 data, made on the Terravisu platform for observation and analysis of territorial data
https://demo-terravisu.solutions-territoriales.fr/visualiser/alimentation#map=4.4/45.7/2.99&layers=e5440d0ebb22c28542ae840e3f4dbbcd -
"Mapping Imprecision: How to Geocode Data from Inaccurate Historic Maps" by Tomasz Panecki presents a method of geocoding place names on old maps that cannot be georeferenced in the GIS environment
https://www.mdpi.com/2220-9964/12/4/149 -
The Nevada Bureau of Mines and Geology (NBMG), a research and public service unit of the University of Nevada and also the state geological survey, publishes the geological map of Nevada online