#2129: waterway, ski, fascists
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
The Great Loop is a continuous waterway that includes part of the Atlantic, the Gulf Intracoastal Waterways, the Great Lakes, Canadian Heritage Canals, and the inland rivers of the heartland of the USA
https://www.greatloop.org/ -
The term "ghost ski resort" is a very particular name that eminently refers to an ancient activity that would mark the history of an inhabited territory and that would make a scar forever
http://cafe-geo.net/les-stations-de-ski-fantomes-mythes-et-realite-dun-angle-mort-de-la-geographie-du-tourisme/ -
Far-right groups in France are characterized by their instability but also by their local identity to the detriment of national networks and this is why this map has been updated to deal with it