#2209: brittany, motorbikes, mobility
, last check: Mon, 07 Oct 2024. Post history
A giant crossword puzzle of intertwined names covers the map of French Brittany, with 2239 land-related definitions to decipher, including a few in the Breton language
https://france3-regions.francetvinfo.fr/bretagne/cotes-d-armor/saint-brieuc/insolite-2-000-cases-de-mots-fleches-a-resoudre-sur-une-carte-de-la-bretagne-2885210.html -
GPX routes are sorted based on length, asphalt and dirt sections, zones to explore, and ratings by sinuosity for motorbikes, along with textual data, maps, pictures, videos, and comments
https://www.laguiavial.com/ -
An open PDF book in Spanish discussing depopulation, land cohesion, and equal rights includes an interesting chapter discussing rural transport infrastructure in rural Spain