#2239: elks, innovation, barcelona, radio, hosting, books
, last check: Mon, 10 Mar 2025. Post history
Kentucky's elk population, reintroduced in 1997, is the largest in the US. Regulated hunting has generated over $3.5 million in economic impact
https://www.maps.com/elk-reintroduction-map-highlights-economic-impact-in-kentucky/ -
The success of a city in innovative activities is heavily influenced by its position within the interurban network (PDF)
https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f9fd5c50da41f74e9a62d36/t/65e57fa221092e192afb2fc3/1709539248385/Intercity+connectivity.pdf -
Barcelona's digital and green transition and its impact on the Global South, where this transformation's crucial materials originate
https://odg.cat/publicacio/mapa-la-transicio-verda-i-digital-de-barcelona-i-els-seus-impactes-al-sud-global/ -
Frequency 2156 is a fictional community Internet radio station that aims to connect all survivors of the Great War through popular protocols.
https://frequency2156.com/ -
Desert Atlas is an OSM application for Sandstorm, an open-source project for easily self-hosting web applications. It allows users to collaborate privately on a map to develop exciting addresses.
https://sandstorm.org/news/2023-12-05-osm-on-sandstorm -
The map displays all locations with public_bookcase labels on OSM for free libraries or book exchanges in France.