#2260: water, oceans, climate
, last check: Tue, 14 Jan 2025. Post history
Study of the availability of water in the Bages region and the possible impact of climate change and the vulnerability of municipal supply systems (PDF)
https://www.diba.cat/documents/553295/409530079/Presentacio_Estudi_disponibilitat_aigua_comarca_Bages.pdf -
The system of deep ocean currents that circulates cold waters of polar origin through all the oceans of the planet shows signs of instability that pose a significant risk to the climate
https://tos.org/oceanography/article/is-the-atlantic-overturning-circulation-approaching-a-tipping-point -
With data from PACE, scientists can study microscopic life in the ocean and particles in the air, helping to monitor ocean health, pollution and the impacts of climate change