#2779: mapping, flood, food
, last check: Fri, 14 Feb 2025. Post history
MapComplete is an OpenStreetMap viewer and editor, which displays information about the characteristics of a specific topic and allows to update it, as in this example with trees
https://dev.mapcomplete.org/trees.html?z=17.1&lat=41.3861628&lon=2.163099#node/10837546566 -
Images from the Sentinel-2 satellite show the enormous extent of the massive flood that has hit the Brazilian state of Rio Grande do Sul, where the river rose to a record level of 5.3m
https://soar.earth/maps/america-floods-in-southern-brazil-may-6-2024-18665?pos=-29.964314942466952%2C-51.4406528168617%2C12.00 -
The map of foods with a protected geographical indication in Germany, which is part of the "National Atlas of the Federal Republic of Germany" in 12 volumes of the Leibniz Institute for Regional Studies