#2794: bombs, motorhomes, postgres
, last check: Wed, 02 Oct 2024. Post history
This map provides an extensive survey and distribution of ammunition depots (bombs, shells, torpedoes, military-loaded shipwrecks) buried in the seabed of France
https://www.francetvinfo.fr/monde/environnement/biodiversite/carte-visualisez-l-emplacement-des-munitions-chimiques-et-conventionnelles-enfouies-dans-les-fonds-marins-francais_6285072.html -
Four maps illustrate the geography and economy of the USA's recreational vehicles (RVs or motorhomes)
https://www.maps.com/rv-campgrounds-map/ -
Using PostGIS and pgvector Postgres extensions to quickly find the nearest points in a data set of 100 million points